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Who’s selling the sellers; who’s tracking the trackers?

Warning, major Sales Execution Platform rant alert!

Legacy sales execution platforms are designed wholly as an inter-company, ad-hoc, perpetual communication service delivering relatively contrived sequences and flows which are purported to be based on “best practices”.  These uniform sequences and flows are supposed to be individualized for all engagements, but actually are more contrived and grating to a natural and logical sales progression.

The cynical imperatives of these cloud applications is twofold, first to tax sellers with a per sales user fee, that is not outcome-based; and second to limit traceability and line of sight to seller and buyer interactions, supplier and demand interactions, the completeness of the value-chain that every sales professional exists in is at best opaque in these legacy environments – the channel is simply non-existent.

Selgine breaks-through these cynical imperatives by focusing on a credit-based system that is aligned with account engagement, not driven by numbers of sellers.  And second shatters the limits on traceability and line of sight to seller and buyer interactions – whether via your direct sales force or channel partner indirect teams.

Only Selgine generates, collects, analyzes, and correlates seller signals and buyer signals with our patent-pending Drive and Relay™ technology.

Although well entrenched, many vendors have reached their potential to drive front office value as a holistic sales execution platform.  As the graphic below denotes, legacy vendors are focused solely on the sales to account contact engagement, falling short on the critical sales enablement and engagement step.  Several companies Selgine integrates with can be extended and enhanced to provide multi-level marketing and sales engagement capabilities such as Seismic, High Spot, and HubSpot – to name a few.

What’s profound about Selgine’s approach, is not the value-add it adds to the direct sales engagement, but rather the myriad of business models it enables for both direct and indirect business go-to-markets.  Perhaps there is no greater value proposition than the “Option-Value” value proposition, or more bluntly “how many unique, provocative, and compelling use cases can I use this investment for?”

As the below graphic highlights, there are at least six compelling and unique business models and value enablers that are uniquely enabled by Selgine where a cascading brand management, marketing development funds (MDF), and control environment is a pre-requisite to enablement.  Only Selgine delivers.

 Wanna learn more? Check out or ask us for a demo here: Get Started | Selgine .


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